Monday 4 January 2010

The "BOX" Episode

This seems to be "something interesting"..

which I can possibly chew or better still..

I can get inside it (with a l'ttle help from mamma)

I find it a bit weird at first but ....

.... soon I begin to like it.

But then there's not too much space to flex my legs ...

so I ...

help myself out.

On the whole, it wasn't a very nice experience.

Sunday 30 August 2009

100 days!!

Wow!! I am a hundred days old now. can you imagine it ... I can't. A few days back granny/pa wen back to India. I miss them a lot. wish they were here today. Had they been here today, it would have been lots of fun.

DJ and Tito uncles had come over. They got a "Harry - The Hedge Hog" chocolate cake for me to cut and them to eat. The cake looked very very yummy ... when will I be able to. Mamma said in another 100 days - I just can't wait.

Afterwards we went down to Tito mama's house in Stockton and spent the night there. We came back next day.

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Half Century!!

Wohooo ... I am fifty days old today. Fifty eventful days. They went past pretty quick. Didn't they?
Its some time I've posted so this is a good opportunity to fill you in what I have been upto.

Mummy took me to the mandir (Temple) the other day. Pandit-ji wrapped me up in a red 'urna' and also put a small tilak. It was very solemn moment.

Granny says that I have become naughty these days but just because I have scratched myself in the face twice doesn't mean I am naughty. I have a lot more up my sleeve.

I also have a play mat now. Thats quite good you know - specially the bell in the middle which makes a rattling noise.

I notice not many have used the poll to vote on who I look more like. Papa's winning the race currently. So if you haven't voted, please do so now. A few more photos have been uploaded - which may help you to decide - click here

Thursday 18 June 2009

I'm a month old!!

I didn't believe it when mummy announced that I am now 1 month old today. Time flies - really it does. It feels just the other day I said "Hello World" - soon after I was in mamma's arms for the first time... everything was new, fresh as the dew. I remember that first night in hospital, coming home, my pram. I obviously can't count (afterall i'm a wee one) the nights I have kept granny and mamma awake. Papa has sung a few lullabies for me and given me numerous new pinches!!
So many have come to meet me - Aadya, Richa, Aditi, Tia, Agyasta. Tito mama and Sujata aunty also came up. My grand parents from far away Calcutta have sent some lovely frocks.

Mickey is having a party next month. Papa tells me that I am too small to go this time but he has promised to take me next year.

Friday 12 June 2009

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Brush your teeth!!

The first sentence which papa says to me everyday is - "hello oishee. good morning. have you brushed your teeth? No?? dirty girl" - Silly milly papa.

Monday 8 June 2009

Granny - I luv u

Granny i don't know what I would do without you.... what will happen you go back. The way you cradle me and keep me quiet is just amazing - all the late nights, the early mornings and the afternoon's. The songs that you sing for me ... the rhymes that you recite are just the ones which puts me to sleep. Mummy has picked up quite a few .... she is sweet. One day when I was crying out loud she started to sob.
Coming to papa - he has a few steps to take. He had told me that after IPL he would start picking up but then IPL came and went and WC is half way through - which gives him yet another excuse. Mummy says that the next excuse will be the Ashes. But papa takes me out on walks which compensates for everything else.

Saturday 30 May 2009

Haathi mera Saathi

My First protrait

This was taken when I was just about 36 hours old.

Tuesday 26 May 2009

I am protected !!

Today when I woke up in the morning, mummy told me that she would take me to the hospital today to get my BCG vaccine. Papa was as usual half asleep. I don't know what he heard but I guess all he heard was BCG and then he was straight up - BCG - oh no, Sudeshna you should have told me earlier as I would have prepared for it last night. Saying this he went to the clothes room and came out with his suit. Ma said out, did you not get her nappy? and then she started to laugh out loud. When ma said BCG, what papa thought was that he had got an interview with Boston Consulting Group!! - men na, there are incorrigible.

The appointment was for 3 in the afternoon. When going to office papa told mama that he would be back by 2.30 and take us. Guess what happened, he rang up at 2 and said "Sudeshna, I am stuck up in this call, will you take your dad with you to the hospital". Ma just gave a shrug - like she half expected it anyway. So it was ma and grand-pa who took me to the hospital. I was sound asleep and didn't feel much but there was a spec in Ma's eyes. Ma - don't worry I am ok. Love you lots.

Sunday 24 May 2009

A wee poem

My didi, Aadya, has written this poem about me. Its so amazing that I thought I would let all read it. She is so sweet, isn't she!! Thank you didi.


By Aadya

Friday 22 May 2009

Blood is thicker than water (or beer) !!

Papa came home from office just after six today.... so we are going to have a lovely Friday evening. Mummy was asking when was the last time papa came home on a Friday evening at 6 and did not hit the pub.... Pops you are the bestest!! In fact, papa has got me a suit which says "Daddy's No 1 girl" - that I am :-)

Thursday 21 May 2009

100 hours

I have got so many things to tell you... where do I start.

First things first - finally I came 'home' this afternoon. No wonder its called - 'home home sweet home'. mummy came and laid me on the bed and it smelled so goo
d ... love you lots mum. but I was very sleepy ... so I slept off the evening and stored up energy for the night and papa and momma had their first taste of my nocturnal adventures.

Secondly, I had my first photo with papa taken.

And lastly, my car has arrived. Its lovely. Thanks ma - its wonderful.

and yes before I sign off.... I am excited I am more than 100 hours old now. yeah thats a nice milestone...

Wednesday 20 May 2009

A damp squib

Yes it turned out to be a dampner yesterday. The doctor aunts here obviously didn't want me to go home yesterday - instead they put me into a glassbox with a bright light from top. Mummy told me that this would help to bring down some chemical levels. But if mummy thinks its good its gotta be. But I was feeling lonely inside I wanted to be in momma's lap so I cried and cried - my voice has become hoarse.

Papa told me that my car would be arriving tomorrow. thats nice.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Day 2

Papa tells me that I have been a spoilt brat today. But what can I do - I wanted to be close to papa and mamma but they wanted me to be on the cot. but they were sweet, all I had to do is a few whimpers and I was back in their laps...

and tomorrow is the big day. Ma told me that we would go home tomorrow. I can't wait to see the new place. papa - hope you have got my little nest ready.

Monday 18 May 2009

The first step

0014 18-May-09

I don't know when this counter started but it all ended this morning at 0014 hrs when I said "Hello World". It was a long day for mummy and papa but they seemed elated at the end of it.

Mummy is doing great and tells me that she can't wait to take me home. Now that's a new place to go...
I managed to keep mummy awake for the most part of last night. When papa heard of it he said "nothing doing!! Oishee you are supposed to sleep at night!!". My one set of grannies will be coming to see me in the afternoon - looking forward to meeting them.

Here are some snaps which papa took just after.... click here

Do you wanna be my friend? Just click on "google friend connect" at the top right hand side of the page. You will come to know how I am doing and all the mischiefs that I will be upto (Don't tell papa).

Thank you for all your blessings - I need every bit of them.